Monday, July 5, 2010

Popular Economics

Bank of Nova Scotia economists Derek Holt and Gorica Djeric claim that fears of a double dip recession may be exagerrated because US consumer spending is still growing.  A reasonable claim given that most of the US economy is driven by regular citizens buying stupid shit like the slap chop.

But these are just details.  Fuck the banks!

Max Power69 wrote:Posted 2010/07/05
at 4:09 PM ET
I see so a Bank is telling us everything is Rosy and to borrow more money….BOY am I shocked…lets face it, no one really knows the future of the world economies. Obviously the banking sector wants to push consumer confidence, but that’s for their gain, not ours. The sooner people open their minds to this; the easier it will be for all
 No moron.  Read the (short) article.
Pakochan wrote:Posted 2010/07/05
at 4:41 PM ET
Of course they always tell us the sky is blue and nothing to fear.
They denied we were in recession until the last minute last time.
It would just make the recession worst if they said otherwise.

Yes, that's why you, the common Canadian kept maxing out your credit card and buying stuff you couldn't afford.  It wasn't because you were a profligate shithead, it was the banks.  

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Legalize it

As reported today in Afghanistan, 63 drug dealers are killed and 14.5 tonness of drugs are seized and this is all some stoner could think of:

More evidence that prohibition doesn't work. It only puts billions of dollars into the hands of gangsters and terrorists. The only solution is to legalize, regulate, and educate or else stories like this will never stop.

I hear there's a vacancy open to run the Afghan campaign right now Citizen4Justice.