Friday, January 23, 2009

Omar Khadr's legal proceedings have been granted a 120 day adjournment.

FACT CHECK wrote:Posted 2009/01/21
at 9:07 AM ET

We have to trust Obama's new legal system

What we don't want to do is bring him back and make him a millionaire.

I say trial should be in Afganistan where the crime took place if not the USA.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Baby accidentally dials 911 and gets Dad arrested for running a grow op. Ron Paul supporter cries foul.

A baby playing with a telephone accidentally dials 911, exposing its father's 500 plant marijuana farm to the police who attend to the call. Never mind that no amateur horticulturalist could afford the hydro bills for a hydroponic system this big (inside his house) but pause to reflect on the degree of irresponsibility required to leave your child unsupervised at a site that is irrevocably intertwined with organised crime.

None of these are relevant issues to the following commenter.
Ron Paul wrote:Posted 2009/01/21
at 6:19 AM ET

So he was growing Canabis Sativa plants, big deal. Nothing wrong with growing plants. The Canabis laws in Canada are unjust and illogical. They are based on discrimination and underhanded business practices, not science.

On Obama's website, Canabis legalization was voted one of the most important issues !

I guess it would be hard to argue that cannabis liberalisation would be any less relevant than economics at this particular juncture. Everyone could use a bit of weed induced euphoria these days right? It'll take the edge off of our concern for the worldwide economic

Citizenship and the Gaza conflict

The destruction and carnage resulting from the Gaza conflict is senseless. Unfortunately I think that the thousands that have lost their lives (belonging to either side) have done so in vain as there probably is a long road ahead for those left behind to reach exhaustion and thus a cessation of hostilities.

Unfortunately, I think the same can be said for those posting comments on this story at the CBC on the evacuation of dual citizens.

kitchener01 wrote:Posted 2009/01/06
at 9:20 PM ET

Why is it the gov't fault if "Candian citizens" choose to live in an unstable area of the world. What's inexcusable is taxpayers money going to pay for their return to Canada while we have homelessness and unemployment in Canada. These people knew full well they were in a bad area of the world. If they want to be Canadians, then live in Canada-don't insult the rest of us Canadians by taking out citizenship and then living in Gaza full time.
Then when people like me disagree with them, we are called racists.
I'm sure my father did not fight in WWII just to have immigrants abuse Canadian generousity. Then the Palestinians that live here have the nerve to demonstrate on mass in Canadian streets. Would Palestine pay for it's citizens to fly home if the tables were reversed. I doubt it very much!
We will see if the CBC, who is pro Hamas will print this post.

Where does all this emnity towards Canadian immigrants come from? It's not like they give this shit out to just anyone. Take a look at the requirements to get a passport that says Canada on the cover. Take a pill kitchener01. A couple million dollars to evacuate highly skilled Canadians out of a war zone is money well spent. They can probably write better than you too.


I love reading the news online. Unfortunately, at some point someone thought it might be a good idea to build in unmoderated (or loosely moderated) commenting systems into individual news stories. While I don't object to giving the public an opportunity to voice its opinion, and in fact, I do enjoy reading public comments, some websites seem to get more than their fair share of mental diarrhoea. I started this blog to share the most golden nuggets of shit.